A.1.1 Leadership Institute presentation: Ensuring Shared Responsibility for ELLs/Bilingual Learners

Rebecca Field developed this presentation, Ensuring Shared Responsibility for ELLs/Bilingual Learners, for a leadership institute with superintendents from across the state of New Jersey. Superintendents and other district leaders learn how to evaluate their existing policies, programs, practices, and assessments for ELLs/bilingual learners to ensure that they are pedagogically sound, well implemented, and deliver results (i.e., meet the CastaƱeda Standard). This institute emphasizes the shared responsibility of all educators (administrators, general education teachers, literacy specialists, bilingual and ESL educators, special education specialists, support staff) in providing ELLs with equal access to educational opportunities

Publication: English Language Learners at School: A Guide for Administrators, 2nd edition

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): Presentation
