Teacher Leadership Excerpt Chapter 4

Transforming Sanchez School: Shared Leadership, Equity, and Evidence, by Raymond Isola and Jim Cummins, provides an example of how principals, school-based leadership teams, and community partners built a successful school through shared instructional leadership, focused and sustained professional learning, and community engagement. The story of Sanchez School offers detailed examples of how these diverse constituents created powerful learning and leadership opportunities for everyone involved and includes evidence of improved student outcomes over a 10-year period.

For example, Sanchez educators clearly define roles and responsibilities for teacher leaders within three primary shared leadership structures:
1. Grade-level meetings for all preschool through 5th-grade teachers
2. Instructional leadership team meetings
3. School Site Council meetings

Isola and Cummins emphasize the importance of educator identity, agency, and choice in transforming schools at the local level. Their work will inspire educators to action in ways that make sense in any linguistically and culturally diverse school context.

Publication: Transforming Sanchez School

Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy


Object(s): reference
