X3 - TESOL International Association
TESOL is an international association of professionals advancing the quality of English language teaching through professional development, research, standards, and advocacy. TESOL International Association is run primarily by member volunteers with assistance from an office staff based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy
Object(s): website
X3 - Understanding Language, Stanford University
Understanding Language aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. The long-term goal of the initiative is to increase recognition that learning the language of each academic discipline is essential to learning content. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information; articulating and building on ideas; constructing explanations; engaging in argument from evidence—such language-rich performance expectations permeate the new Standards.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy
Object(s): website
WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Professional Development
Object(s): website
X3 - Working Group on ELL Policy
The Working Group on ELL Policy consists of researchers with extensive experience in educating ELL students and a substantial understanding of the research on effective strategies for this population. They bring the combined knowledge of several leading universities and educational research organizations across the United States.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Policy, Leadership, and Advocacy
Object(s): website
X4 - DSF Consulting
Many teachers and administrators struggle with how to effectively teach their English learners (ELs) challenging content while these students are learning academic English. Our professional development is framed around TESOL’s P-12 Professional Teaching Standards,‘ five domains of language, culture, instruction, assessment, and professionalism to ensure relevant, research-based topics. We provide support to teachers so that their ELs are better positioned to achieve academic success. All of our practical, hands-on professional development (whether it be face to face or online) is based on fostering ELs achievement and increasing teachers’ skills in working with these students.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Professional Development
Object(s): website
X4 - Dual Language Education New Mexico
DLeNM offers a variety of high-quality program and professional development (PD) opportunities. It is part of DLeNM's mission, through these opportunities, to build instructional leadership capacity and support individual programs in the development of the onsite expertise needed to fully ensure program implementation success. With this end in mind, DLeNM is always looking to collaborate with individual schools and/or school districts to plan-school and/or district-hosted events. These events would be planned in addition to a regular calendar of events that DLeNM maintains. For questions regarding DLeNM's PD fees, please contact our office at (505) 243-0648.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Professional Development
Object(s): website
X4 - Illinois Resource Center
The Illinois Resource Center (IRC) has provided training and technical assistance for recipients of the Illinois K-12 School-Based Learn and Serve grants. These grants, which are determined by the Illinois State Board of Education, foster the growth of service learning--a curriculum-based pedagogical method that is rapidly gaining acceptance across the nation.
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Professional Development
Object(s): website
X4 - Language Castle
Keynote, Conference and Professional Development Topics
* Early childhood Education for linguistically and culturally diverse populations
* Strategies for success with preschool English/Dual language learners
* Math and science in many languages
* Making play meaningful in multilingual classrooms
* Many languages in one classroom? Technology to the rescue
* Welcoming children from all languages into your preschool program
* Bringing stories, books and writing to life in multilingual classrooms
* Updating courses and workshops to include developmentally adaptations for dual language learners
* Leadership strategies for successfully including linguistically diverse young children
* How to build a community of support for diverse programs
Publication: Caslon Community
Topic: Professional Development
Object(s): website